Tasty Buttered Toast

Quips and Quandaries from a re-employed house husband

Stuck In The Middle With You

It has been said on more than one occasion that there is no I in TEAM… but there is a ME.  In MARRIAGE there is a ME and an I… and I suppose there could be RAGE, but we try to avoid that one as best we can; and for the most part, I’d say we have.

This week is the start of a new semester for me.  I have two classes I’m looking to take as part of my quest to complete my Network Admin degree by the end of the year.  Tuition was paid, books were purchased, file folders created, pens at the ready.  Everything is on track to dominate another semester and get 2 more classes closer to graduation.

And then Charlie had his latest check up with the doctor.  We now know his birthday as he’ll be arriving via a planned c-section. As Kate and I were discussing his impending arrival, it became obvious that with classes two nights, a recovering Kate, and a fresh baby in the house; the whole schedule wasn’t going to work.

If you’ve ventured over to Sluiter Nation at all, its no secret that Kate has been slowly been winning her battle with PPD and anxiety.  Well, given the arrival of our 2nd child, it started to fester up again.  And being that the lines of communication are open in The Nation, she voiced her concerns, and we went to sleep on it.

This morning after reviewing the schedule and work load associated with her recovery and a new baby; sacrifices for the good of the Nation needed to be made.  We discussed it briefly this morning and shortly there after, Kate’s anxiety has lowered substantially and I’ll be home an “extra” evening this semester.  Win-win.

I really didn’t like my school schedule this semester anyway, so dropping the class wasn’t that big of a deal, and I’d miss time with my boys too, so it really was an easy decision to make.  The only downside is that now I my goal of completing my degree by December might be pushed back a little bit… not a total loss, but a minor set back.

There might not be an I in TEAM, but by dropping that class, we took a big step in avoiding the RAGE that can be in MARRIAGE.

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6 thoughts on “Stuck In The Middle With You

  1. I am so glad you are my partner in this thing called life. you are the bee’s knees, my love.

  2. Glad that you guys were able to work out a plan!

  3. A marriage needs nurturing like any other dynamic thing. A lifetime commitment is a choice we make every day. You made a very wise choice friend.

  4. Martha on said:

    School will always be there.. It’s always good to have a reason to “slack” off in school and your family will much appreciate it!

  5. This might sound odd coming from a virtual stranger, but I’m very proud of your decision. While one of many things I love about my own husband is his desire to constantly better himself for the good of his career – and in turn, his family – he does not understand why he can’t come home from work, eat dinner, then go do schoolwork uninterrupted. There are 3 people in this house who need his attention, and it’s not something he has realized as readily as you have. So I’m proud of you.

    • Thanks Erin… it’s comments like this that reassure the decision… I can tell already it was a good idea, with Charlie’s arrival looming, I’m very glad I dropped that other class… and as my eyes turn to the summer semester, more decisions and more classes as well.

      To be continued. 🙂

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